Race cars at 13,000ft

Race cars at 13,000ft
My attempt at being a "photographer" at the 2009 International Pikes Peak Hill Climb.

Monday, November 19, 2007

My chocolate lover's coffee "recipe"

Here it is my "recipe" for the chocolate lover's morning coffee:

  1. Prep your coffee grounds in your automatic coffee maker however you normally do. Caff, decaf, one scoop or two. The norm.

  2. Add the water.

  3. But before you put your now empty pot back in the maker, add a scoop of hot chocolate mix to it.

  4. Turn the coffee maker on.

  5. When it finishes brewing, swirl the pot a bit and pour yourself a nice big mug.

I like cream in my coffee and it is fabulous in this version. Warning: if you normally add sugar to your coffee, you might want to taste it first, since the hot chocolate does have sugar in it.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hi Jennifer,
I linked onto your blog through Beth's. I tried this coffee 'recipe' this morning instead of my usual and it was GREAT! I love your blog! What a beautiful 'puppy dog!"
Love Pauline