Race cars at 13,000ft

Race cars at 13,000ft
My attempt at being a "photographer" at the 2009 International Pikes Peak Hill Climb.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

A crossroads

All of sudden, a number of doors have opened. There is no clear view of what is across their thresholds though. The current "room", shall we say, is fine. I'm happy. A bit uncomfortable in some areas, but I think I could continue with minor changes and stay happy. But these doors have opened and change of some sort is going to happen. The question is how big. And what is best.

I'm left at a crossroads, of a sort, and I must say, I'm quite uncomfortable. I've spent the weekend alone and very much chose it to be that way. I'm stuck in my head and am only making small amounts of progress so far. But I have made some progress. And the New Year only leaves me with a four weeks time to make some potentially big decisions. That isn't much time... I think it means I have to access all the possible directions at once. And that will be a lot of work and the thought of it is quite overwhelming. Hence the quiet weekend and time alone to get started at a slow pace, no pressure until January, but progress nonetheless.

I'm not opposed to change. Never have been. I generally welcome it. But... choosing the right kind of change... I can't see the future; all I can do is way all my options... very carefully. And hope for the best!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The company holiday party

So last night was my company holiday party. And as usual it was a good time, although not quite the "party" that it often is. The weather was snowy and people just seemed to lack their normal enthusiasm for dancing and hanging out. Oh well. It was still very fun to catch up with my friends from work that I never see. And of course, I had the best "date" there, my friend Evan. He is comfortable in a just about any situation and is always fun to have around. And he owns a suit and looks quite snazzy in it as well. :)

Here is a quick self-portrait of us. Not excellent camera handling but don't we look great?! Just look at that fantastic tie and those big grins! :)

Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I will pose a question to... probably no one since this blog is actually hard to search for. But anyways, the question: how long does it take to figure out if someone is "worth" dating?

When I say "worth" I don't mean a judgement on the fella, more a judgement of your/my compatibility with him.

So is it something that you can tell early on or does it take a while. Two dates, three, ten? How long do you try it before it's too long?

Okay, I'll explain the reason for the question. I've been chatting with this fellow online for a few weeks, a month, whatever. He is nice to email back and forth with for the most part. The first date was good, a first date for sure- the get to know you stuff over coffee. Tonight we had date two. It was nice too. Yummy dinner, nice conversation, a little more comfortable and I got a hug instead of a handshake. Whoo! So obviously a nice guy, but...

But what, right? That's what I'm trying to figure out! Do I just need to give it time? Or is my inclination right, have my two extremely entertaining best guy friends ruined me, spoiled me?! They make me laugh and constantly entertain me with their adventures of all sorts. This guy, not so entertaining. I only laughed once or twice in the hour and a half we were together. This seems like a problem. It isn't that he isn't interesting... maybe we aren't comfortable with each other yet. I don't know, but I figure another date can't hurt. So we'll see what happens.

Any insight? Any knowledge on this front that I'm missing that anyone can fill me in on? Or do I just need to figure it out with time and experience?

Answer three, huh? That's what I thought. Darn.

Here is a totally unrelated pic for you... the sunrise on my way to work the other day.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I just wanted wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving! And while I'm at it, I thought I would tell you what I'm thankful for.

You guys. Assuming I know my readers.

I am thankful for all my family and friends. Everyone who has passed/ passes through my life has had a role in making me who I am today. Not to sound egotistical, but I am proud of who I am today and I have all of you to thank for that.

More changes will come in the future, I have no doubt, but so will more people and more lessons learned from those folks already in my life. These people will help me to overcome challenges and learn from all my experiences.

So this year, I am thankful for the people that have touched my life.

What are you thankful for??

Monday, November 19, 2007

My chocolate lover's coffee "recipe"

Here it is my "recipe" for the chocolate lover's morning coffee:

  1. Prep your coffee grounds in your automatic coffee maker however you normally do. Caff, decaf, one scoop or two. The norm.

  2. Add the water.

  3. But before you put your now empty pot back in the maker, add a scoop of hot chocolate mix to it.

  4. Turn the coffee maker on.

  5. When it finishes brewing, swirl the pot a bit and pour yourself a nice big mug.

I like cream in my coffee and it is fabulous in this version. Warning: if you normally add sugar to your coffee, you might want to taste it first, since the hot chocolate does have sugar in it.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Shopping

[I'm new to this blogging thing so I'm trying to actually blog...]

Okay so I went Christmas shopping today and I was really trying to get it all done. Does this seem crazy?

I know it is the week before Thanksgiving but I have money and time now so it seemed like I should get it done. Even my mom gave me a hard time for being so concerned about getting all my gifts today. I guess when I get on a role, I want to finish! If I drag the project out, then there is more of a chance of not finishing or not having the necessary items available. I'm generally a good procrastinator but I guess I'm starting to learn to plan. This is good and I should be encouraged!

Oh well. I am completely at a loss as to what to get for my brother, so that will have to wait until we get some ideas from him.

Happy Shopping!!!
In lieu of a shopping picture, here is one of Simon enjoying our first snow!


Happy Sunday!

It is always nice to wake up happy, isn't it? I haven't done a whole lot this weekend but it has been a good one so far. Simon (my pup) and I had a very nice hike yesterday up in the foothills and then I went to a birthday party for one of my childhood friends. In the morning I read a book... for hours! It was a really good day. Very unproductive but, oh well. Today I'll be productive.

A silly self portrait from the hike...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Have you seen the movie? Have you seen the live show? Don't tell me you missed The Swell Season??

In case you are wondering what I might be talking about, it is all about Once, http://www.foxsearchlight.com/once/. If you didn't see the movie, find it; look at all the small theaters in your area! The Swell Season is the the actors/musicians touring the country and it is fabulous!!! Find out when they are coming to your town and don't miss it!!

Glen and Marketa were in town tonight performing and... well, Laura described it best when she said the room was just full of Love. The whole event just warms the heart. Glen is a grand entertainer- he's funny and passionate and loves to play and write music. All that and I haven't even met the guy! Oh and of course, he is quite a pleasure to look at too. ;)

Seriously, though, checkout the website I linked above. Go to their myspace page. Listen and you will want to search them out.

*Sigh* I sleep happy tonight.




One, two, three.

Is this thing on? *screech!*