Race cars at 13,000ft

Race cars at 13,000ft
My attempt at being a "photographer" at the 2009 International Pikes Peak Hill Climb.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guess what I got for my birthday??

A rash. Yes, I got a rash for my birthday. I finally go see a dermatologist to try to get rid of the little red bumps on my forehead and instead of a clear face, I get a sensitivity reaction a week later (yesterday) that leaves my face red, blotchy and itchy/burny. Happy freakin birthday to me. :P

Oh well, it's getting better and now there is more proof (since no one seems to really believe me when I tell them) that I have sensitive skin. Maybe the docs will be more gentle next time.

Anyhoo, that's the only bad news for my birthday week and I plan for it to stay that way. I had a nice time in the mountains with friends on Saturday; had a few friends over for a "meeting" on Sunday night. I'm finally getting settled into my new home, well at least the main floor is liveable now and I still have a few more days of mellow activity levels to get more cleaning and unpacking done. I'm having a few girlfriends over for dinner and egg dying tomorrow night. And I figured out how to talk with my boyfriend, who is out of town with a bad cell signal.

Tuesday is a way better day than Monday was and Wednesday should be even better.

Here I come 32! Rash and all!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's been a while...

It's been ages since I posted here and I was thinking it was time to do a little posting.

Now... what to say... hmmm...

Seriously, though, tons of stuff has happened since my last post and I'm not sure where to start. I met a boy. I joined his family for Christmas. I moved in with said boy. And during all that, I became a board member of my local chapter and state for the Jaycees. I became program manager for a really exciting program (OYawards!). Did I mention I moved?! I went cross-country skiing for the first time in years... and LOVED it! Unfortunately now I'm sick of winter and just want to hike. But you never know what the weekend will bring... Winter Park, here I come! :D

So yeah, the last 6 months have been pretty busy. But I've got to say, I'm happy. I'm finding my balance again and getting settled into a new home (did I mention it's a house! A real, full sized, house!). I'm working on figuring out commuting again. I'm working on figuring out how to see my girl friends and my boyfriend and still do all the things I've committed to doing. That is an intersting challenge. AND I have a workout buddy, at least for twice a week. With spring coming, I think I'll start having more workout time with the girls on the weekends. Hiking here I come!!

So to sum up, life is good. A tad bit in transition, with always more changes and aspirations of change on the horizon, but good, very good.

I'll attempt to write here more often in the future. But don't hate me if I don't succeed right away.

Until next time... adieu!