Race cars at 13,000ft

Race cars at 13,000ft
My attempt at being a "photographer" at the 2009 International Pikes Peak Hill Climb.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guess what I got for my birthday??

A rash. Yes, I got a rash for my birthday. I finally go see a dermatologist to try to get rid of the little red bumps on my forehead and instead of a clear face, I get a sensitivity reaction a week later (yesterday) that leaves my face red, blotchy and itchy/burny. Happy freakin birthday to me. :P

Oh well, it's getting better and now there is more proof (since no one seems to really believe me when I tell them) that I have sensitive skin. Maybe the docs will be more gentle next time.

Anyhoo, that's the only bad news for my birthday week and I plan for it to stay that way. I had a nice time in the mountains with friends on Saturday; had a few friends over for a "meeting" on Sunday night. I'm finally getting settled into my new home, well at least the main floor is liveable now and I still have a few more days of mellow activity levels to get more cleaning and unpacking done. I'm having a few girlfriends over for dinner and egg dying tomorrow night. And I figured out how to talk with my boyfriend, who is out of town with a bad cell signal.

Tuesday is a way better day than Monday was and Wednesday should be even better.

Here I come 32! Rash and all!

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