Race cars at 13,000ft

Race cars at 13,000ft
My attempt at being a "photographer" at the 2009 International Pikes Peak Hill Climb.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I think we all know how hard it can be to pull ourselves out of a rut, whether that rut is 30 minutes long, 5 hours, 5 days, or 5 years. It's always hard to take that first step and not sit back down afterwards. I laughed as I was typing that because I soooo understand that. It seems safer to sit back down and it's soooo easy. Even though we know that we are happier, healthy, rejuventated, and get to experience success when we finally keep walking (or biking, as the case may be).

Tonight, my dog and I walk. Tomorrow, I ride and continue to ride according to the schedule I have made myself. The thought is almost as terrifying as it liberating. So funny. *deep breath*

Well... here we go.

Oh and don't wish me luck, this one I have to do on my own (but you are welcome to ride with me if you want!)


Beth said...

HAVE FUN!!! The cause itself could be your motivation (hey - you told me I couldn't wish you luck)!!!

The Hurst Family said...

Hi! Check out our blog at www.dadjzhurst.blogspot.com.

I enjoyed reading yours!